Autumn Miles Podcast

Episode 180: How do you process a “NO” from God?



Does it feel like you have been walking in circles, or have you just been told no by God? What God has set apart for someone else is their territory. And, what God has set apart for YOU, God has had to tell others no because it’s yours. His no will always lead to a better YES. The Israelites had to walk through the territory that God set aside for the descendants of Esau to go to the territory God had set apart for them. Do you feel like this today? Are you confused and even mad about God’s no in your life? Listen in! This podcast will encourage you!    Monologue: Autumn shares about her and Eddie’s Valentine’s date at a cooking class.  Message: Autumn encourages believers who are walking through frustration as God has told them no to opportunities set before them.  Question: “What do you think is one of the main reasons so many believers hit a wall or we feel like we don’t hear God?” Praise Report: A listener shares how they are beginning to see how God is nothing but love and truth and their God, too.  My T