Cheri Hill Show

Dan Pilla, Corporate Transparency Act



A new federal rule now requires more than 32 million small businesses nationwide to file ownership information to a little known agency in the U.S. Treasury Department or face potential penalties. The problem: Many of these businesses don’t know about it. It’s called the Corporate Transparency Act and the new law became effective January 1, 2024 Today's guest, Dan Pilla has a strong opinion about the CTA and rightly so. For over four decades, Dan has been the nation’s leader in taxpayers’ rights defense and IRS abuse prevention and cure. Regarded as one of the country’s premiere experts in IRS procedures, he’s not only helped thousands of citizens solve personal and business tax problems but also founded a national society of tax professionals, teaching them how to be successful in tax problem resolution. Dan is an Enrolled Agent and licensed to practice both before the IRS and in US Tax Court. His website is