Nonprofit Coach With Ted Hart Podcast

Nonprofit Coach - Expert Laurence Pagnoni - Masterclass in Nonprofit Fundraising



This podcast will encourage inquisitive thinking and advanced thinking about fundraising strategy at a time the world needs philanthropy more than ever before. He lectures around the world but now is here for you. From the latest in charity news, technology, fundraising, and social networking, Ted Hart and his guests help you maneuver through this economic downturn in the charitable sector to greater levels of efficiency and fundraising success. PAGE 2 GUEST EXPERT:  Laurence Pagnoni - AUTHOR - Fundraising 401: Masterclasses in Nonprofit Fundraising That Would Make Peter Drucker Proud.  In his thirty-five years in the nonprofit sector, Laurence has served as an executive director of three nonprofit organizations and has served hundreds of nonprofit agencies as fundraising counsel. In his current role as chairman of LAPA Fundraising, Inc., he and his staff serve, at any given time, approximately twenty-five nonprofit agencies as fundraising counsel. What you'll rarely find on the bookshelves of the fundraisi