Nonprofit Coach With Ted Hart Podcast

Nonprofit Coach: Expert Anthony Alonso, The Ultimate Telephone Success Podcast



Click here for He lectures around the world but now is here for you. From the latest in charity news, technology, fundraising and social networking, Ted Hart and his guests help you maneuver through this economic downturn in the charitable sector to greater levels of efficiency and fundraising success. PAGE 2 GUEST EXPERT: Anthony Alonso, President of Advantage Plus has over 25 years of experience in direct marketing. He is often called upon as an industry leader to speak on telephone, planned giving and social media marketing. His experience ranges in the education, health care, social services and arts markets. Over the last twenty-five years, Mr. Alonso has had the honor of working with prestigious institutions, such as the United States Naval Academy Foundation, the United States Military Academy Association of Graduates, the United States Merchant Marine Academy Alumni Association, The Betty Ford Center, Geisinger Health System, Rocky Mountain Health System, Oxford University, The London Sch