Inspirational Leaders

How to best support my child in sport and school with Performance Psychologist - Jonah Oliver



Jonah Oliver is a world-leading performance psychologist he combines sports psychology and neuroscience to facilitate peak performance. He has nearly 20 years of working in high performance from Olympians, executives, and professional codes (Brisbane Roar, Gold Coast Suns, Essendon), to car racing teams (Porsche – Le Mans World Champion, V8s), indigenous performing artists and surgeons. Executive coach, author, speaker, and consultant on talent identification, leadership, and organisational performance around the world. Husband, father, entrepreneur. 2.30 - How do you navigate the car trip home after a sports game when your kid has strong emotions? "Emotions tell us something, it's not ambivalence. They're not just sitting there. If there are emotions, it means they care.  So they care about something like the performance, their teammates, your approval, their own standards, feeling competent or feeling incompetent, whatever it is, there's something there to listen to." 4.50 What is our role? Our role is to p