Locker Room

Perfectionism, Idolatry and Fear, with Addison Hughes



This week on Locker Room we are kicking off a new series of episodes and we’re calling it Southland Men. Each week we will be hearing the stories of men in our church that are in the battle, recovering ground, and walking a new path. These guys are taking courageous steps, fighting both for their own lives and the lives of their families. These men are making their lives count. Up first this week is a conversation with Addison Hughes, talking about three obstacles that many of us have struggled with in our own lives: perfectionism, idolatry, and fear. DISCUSSION GUIDE: Have you ever wiped out on the ski slopes or somewhere else? How’d it happen? What group or team has made the biggest impact in your life? Why was it so valuable? Perfectionism - Do you err on the side of perfectionism or carelessness? Why do you think that is? If you wrestle with perfectionism, what type is it? Self-oriented, expectation-driven, or others-oriented? Idolatry - What things, good or bad, have been idols in your life? Which of the