Rugby Pickem

Death, Survival & Rebirth - MLR 2024



Two teams folded (for now). One team packed up and relocated to the sunny hills of L.A. Another new team in the Queen City with a focus on young American MLR minutes. After Glendale came and went, followed by Gilly-Gate, did anyone actually think the MLR Front Office timeline could get any wackier? Yet here we are. Year 7 loading and the shield has never looked shinier. With World Rugby's decision to financially back Anthem Rugby Carolinas, we've been tapped as the rugby union of the future (fingers crossed it will all work out). Will the 2031 RWC be a smashing success, or will gigantic stadiums be left under attended? We've got seven more years to get it as supercharged as we can before we host the pinnacle event. With seven years in, and seven to go ... how will MLR shake out in a pivotal year? The men's Eagles have to begin a winning form heading into future RWC Qualifiers. The only way to do that is to have a thriving domestic comp to select the best players from. As of now, all teams have enough talent