Lean Blog Audio

A Better Question Than "Do You Have Any Questions?"



The blog post Recently, I've heard an idea a few times that I'd like to share and discuss in this post. As I'm writing this, I can't remember who to cite. That's my mistake. I'll happily correct the post if I remember or somebody lets me know who to credit. Because I love this idea... but it's not my idea. It's pretty common for a speaker to ask the audience, at the end of a talk: "Do you have any questions?" I'm quite certain I've done that. Sometimes, the answer is yes. But the framing of the question is closed-ended. And the question, whether at a talk or during a meeting, might be intimidating. People might wonder, "Is it OK to have questions? Should I be embarrassed if there was something I didn't quite understand?" That's why it seems a better question is the open-ended version of that: "What questions do you have?" --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lean-blog-audio/support