Notably Disney

Disney Music and the Oscars: Notable Omissions and Undeserved Wins with Aaron Wallace



The 96th Academy Awards takes place on Sun, March 10, making now a perfect time to think about Disney’s role with the Oscars. Over the years many dozens of songs and scores have been nominated, and even a handful have won for their respective categories. Invariably, though, there have been some significant omissions, in terms of songs and scores that should have been nominated, along with songs that maybe should not have won or even been nominated in the first place. Of course, too, a few great songs missed the opportunity to win an Oscar, even if nominated. On this episode of Notably Disney, longtime guest and author Aaron Wallace returns to chat with host Brett Nachman about some takes of Disney songs and scores, and their connections (or lack thereof) to the Oscars. Get in contact with Aaron Wallace by following him on Twitter (@aaronwallace), Instagram (@aaronhwallace), and on his website, where you can learn more about his books. Feel free to follow Brett on Twitter (@bnachmanr