Moxietalk With Kirt Jacobs

MoxieTalk with Kirt Jacobs #402: Morgan McGarvey



Morgan McGarvey is an American attorney and politician who has served as a Democratic member of the Kentucky State Senate. He was first elected to the Senate in 2012 and has since held various leadership roles within the legislative body. McGarvey represents the 19th District, which includes portions of Jefferson County and the city of Louisville. Morgan McGarvey has been involved in several legislative initiatives and is known for his work on various issues, including healthcare, education, and infrastructure. He has advocated for improving Kentucky’s public school system, expanding access to healthcare, and fostering economic development. Additionally, McGarvey is recognized for his legislative acumen and has often worked bipartisanly to advance legislation. Before entering politics, Morgan McGarvey worked as an attorney. He earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Missouri and later attained a Juris Doctor (J.D.) from the University of Kentucky College of Law. He has specialized in various le