Straight A Nursing

#336: The Dangers of Local Anesthetics



Local anesthetics are medications that block nerve impulses so that pain signals aren’t transmitted to the brain. The result is that the anesthetized area is numb and pain is controlled.  Just because local anesthetics are “local” doesn’t mean systemic toxicity can’t occur. Local anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST) occurs when local anesthetics extend into the system at toxic levels. It most typically occurs due to the physician accidentally injecting the medication into the intravascular space. However, it can also be from locally administered overdose, which leads to systemic toxicity.  Hit play on this episode to dive into local anesthetic systemic toxicity so you can understand which of your patients are at highest risk and what to watch for! ___________________ Full Transcript - Read the article and view references. A-List Newsletter - Get on the “A-List” and get a notification each Thursday about the current episode, Nurse Mo’s Tip of the Week, product recommendations to make your nurse life better, and