Random Bush

1.07 - The Haunted Hayride to Humour, the 5 Stages of Grief when one Loses their Car, and the Ocean Cockroach



The Haunted Hayride to Humour, the 5 Stages of Grief when 1 Loses their Car, And the Ocean Cockroach S1 E7     00:20:00 Episode Summary It all starts with a perilous journey on a haunted hay ride. We explore the full psychological experience of loosing your car in a busy, crowded, parking lot. Later our hosts discuss the virtues of the delicious ocean cockroach (aka Lobster). And an Easter eggs (the only actual Easter egg is THIS actual mention of an Easter egg. So one could say it is a meta Easter egg. But that doesn’t make it any less of an Easter egg by any measure. You go and do you unconventional meta Easter egg. The RandomBush supports you.) And as always full cast comedy sketches, jokes, silliness, funny songs, antics, high fives, and good times. Enjoy! Drop us a line at RandomBushPodcast@Gmail.com RandomBush.Podbean.Com Written and Performed By your host's Shawn Random and Andrew Bush Music theme provided by Say Yeah - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena "Today's Episode fake sponser..." Voice Actor -Samantha