Shelleys Show And Tell

Discover the 3 Keys to Moving Beyond Your Reasons that Keep You Stuck



How much are your reasons for things costing you? Every time you buy into why something is just the way it is, or you join your friends in echoing the phrase, you've got to pay your dues, you're making choices to live your life by fixed beliefs. You do have the power to change your thinking patterns once you become aware of what they are. Beyond Reasons workshop is one of Productive Learning Center's most popular workshops. It has helped thousands of individuals discover how they can take their okay lives to the next plateau. Today we are going to discuss some of the things participants will discover in this workshop If you vaguely feel there could be more in your life, todays' show will help you begin to discover how you can create it. Attend the workshop and walk away with a sense of direction, ready to step up and out.