Slick Talk With Wil

Outdoor Hospitality: Unique Stays and Experiences Roundtable



In this round table discussion, industry leaders discuss the future of unique stays and outdoor experiences. The participants include Ben Wolff from Onera, Jeremy Wells from the Ozarker, Michael Goldin from Nook Experiences, and Sangeetha, a hotelier with experience at IHG. The discussion covers various topics like brand design, the importance of a 'media first' approach, and navigating market saturation. The panelists share their experiences and advice on building brands and properties, differentiation in a crowded market, and customer engagement strategies. They emphasize the importance of creating unique, high-quality guest experiences in the growing unique stay and outdoor hospitality sector. This episode is brought to you by our sponsors at: Minut – Minut has more than just security features! They monitor noise, movement, and occupancy all within one device, and all Slick Talk listeners get 2 months FREE when they sign up with this link! Hostfully – Use code SLICKTALK for 3 months free of their dig