M&a Masters

Tom Brinegar | The Strategic Buyer Fit: Tom Brinegar's Acquisition Insight



This episode of M&A Masters features Tom Brinegar, the Chief Financial Officer of PEAK Resources, a trailblazing technology and systems integrator based in Denver. Under Tom's financial stewardship, PEAK Resources recently navigated through a complex and successful acquisition by a strategic buyer. With a rich background in finance and the heart of an entrepreneur, Tom's journey offers a unique lens on the intricacies of mergers and acquisitions from the perspective of the acquired.Discover how Tom Brinegar and the PEAK Resources team prepared for the acquisition process and why they decided it was the right time to sell.Learn about the strategic selection of a buyer and how cultural fit played a crucial role in sealing the deal.Tom shares his insights on overcoming due diligence challenges and the unexpected hurdles along the way.Understand the pivotal role of reps and warranties insurance in facilitating a smoother transaction, as provided by Rubicon M&A Insurance Services.Gain perspective on the po