Dread Media

Episode 865 - Fulci for Fake



This week, we do something we haven't done since episode 36 (from May of 2008): review six Lucio Fulci films in one episode! So first up, Desmond talks a bit about the "docudrama" Fulci for Fake. Then, Desmond and Tom talk about the giallo classic A Lizard in a Woman's Skin before Desmond goes solo on Dread Media Top 5 Capsule Reviews of Fulci Films Never Before Discussed on the Show! The list of films, in chronological order: Perversion Story (AKA One on Top of the Other), Murderock, The Devil's Honey, Aenigma, and Demonia. Songs included: "Fondate Paure" by Ennio Morricone, "A Lizard with the Skin of a Woman" by Mike Patton, "When Death Comes Crawling" by End Reign, and "Bodies in the Flotsam" by Zombi. Send feedback to: dreadmediapodcast@gmail.com. Follow @DevilDinosaurJr and @dreadmedia on Twitter! Join the Facebook group! Support the show at www.patreon.com/dreadmedia. Visit www.desmondreddick.com, www.stayscary.wordpress.com, www.dreadmedia.bandcamp.com, www.kccinephile.com, and www.dejasdomicileofdread