Public Speaking With David Murray

Client question – How to run effective meetings? – 127



Concerned their company was wasting a lot of time and money organising meetings that they felt just weren’t effective or worthwhile. Because attendees were being distracted by their laptops or phones. They weren’t engaged, and the meetings would start late and finish even later. A client of mine asked me this question: “How can I run more effective meetings?" In today’s episode I answer a client question about: “How to run effective meetings?” The 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success online programme is available to buy now. Find out more by visiting: If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to my newsletter and access my free confident communication top tips here: If you like this public speaking and confident communication coaching podcast, please subscribe and add a 5 star review on your favourite podcast app. You can find out