Scott Thompson Show

Why challenge the implementation of Strong Mayor powers if you're going to use them?



The Hamilton Today Podcast with Scott Thompson: Burlington Ward 3 City Councillor Rory Nisan weighs in on his comments regarding strong mayor powers. Florida’s Social Media ban for ages under 14. What does social media do to the adolescent mind, and do the concerns of Florida republicans make sense? A senior Bank of Canada official says the need to improve productivity has reached an emergency level as the economy faces a future where inflation(opens in a new tab) may be more of a threat than in the past few decades. In a new piece for the National Post, Tasha Kheiriddin looks at the contrast between public safety standards in Japan and those we have in Canada. What has been the fallout from Ontario’s budget since it dropped roughly 24 hours ago? Restaurants being hit by a more frugal market. How do they navigate this territory? In a document titled Gambling Policy Framework, the Toronto-based Centre for Addiction and Mental Health also calls on the Ontario government to limit overall gambling availability, i