
How to Create a Team in 10 Seconds | Why time is not linear and every second not worth the same



How do you build a team in the critical first moments of a crisis? The balance between rapid response and thoughtful planning is delicate, especially when understanding what defines a crisis and acknowledging when you're in the midst of one. This conversation delves into the complexity of emergency team dynamics, emphasizing that the composition and organization of these teams are deeply influenced by their members' specific skills and contexts, with lasting implications long after the crisis has passed.We introduce 'Name, Claim, Aim'—a straightforward, three-step framework designed to streamline team organization under pressure. It's about rapid situational assessment, clear role delegation, and setting concise objectives. The discussion extends to effective leadership in high-stakes situations, including establishing command, ensuring effective communication from the start, and striking the right balance to encourage team input without compromising decisiveness.Exploring the subtleties of crisis leadership,