Asians Represent!

Episode 83: Sword World 2.5 (Tabletop RPGs of Asia)



The Asians Represent crew are trying a new episode format by diving into the tabletop RPGs of Asia. For this episode, Daniel does a concise exploration of the history and mechanics of Japan’s most popular domestic product, Sword World! Sword World RPG English fan translations - //SUPPORT Help us produce new and exclusive content! Join us on Patreon for ad-free audio and exclusive series! //SPONSOR Head to and use code AZNSREPRESENT to get 10% off!  Check out VALOROUS GAMES and the Valor Tabletop system, a high-action roleplay experience that offers high levels of customizability and excitement, at! //FOLLOW Website | Twitter | @aznsrepresent Twitch | @aznsrep Follow Daniel @danielhkwan on Twitter! //CONTACT If you have questions about this episode’s themes, suggestions, or anything else related to Asians Represent, get in touch