RIA Weekly

Episode 460: Tom Wilkie on Observability



Matt Ray interviews Tom Wilkie, Grafana Labs CTO. They discuss the latest trends in Observability, Grafana’s recent announcements and the state of OSS businesses . Plus, some ideas for your next 3D printing project. Show Links The Brewintosh (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7N9oz4Ylzm4) Prusa Mini v6 Hotend Adapter (https://www.printables.com/model/31006-prusa-mini-v6-hotend-adapter) Cortex (https://cortexmetrics.io) Prometheus (https://prometheus.io) Grafana Labs (https://grafana.com) OpenCost (https://www.opencost.io/blog/carbon-costs) GrafanaCON 2024 April 9-10 (https://grafana.com/about/events/grafanacon/2024/) Contact Tom Wilkie LinkedIn: tomwilkie (https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomwilkie/?originalSubdomain=uk) Twitter: @tom_wilkie (https://twitter.com/tom_wilkie?lang=en) GitHub: tomwilkie (https://github.com/tomwilkie) SDT News & Hype Join us in Slack (http://www.softwaredefinedtalk.com/slack). Get a SDT Sticker! Send your postal address to stickers@softwaredefinedtalk.com (mailto:stickers@softwaredefi