Academic Woman Amplified

213: How the Sale of Your Attention Affects Your Writing and Publishing



Today's episode tackles a topic weighing on my mind: how the sale of attention impacts our writing and publishing endeavors. I delve into the intricate ways social media platforms and apps are designed to capture and retain our attention, often at the expense of our productivity and focus.    Smartphones and streaming services have made access to content constant, posing significant challenges when concentrating on writing tasks. The pervasive attention economy is an obstacle to high-level problem-solving and overwhelms our brains. This episode is 100% judgment-free. I am struggling with the urge to pick up my phone, too. So, I end the discussion with strategies I've employed to combat attention distractions, such as removing certain apps from my phone and prioritizing reading over mindless scrolling. Through candid insights, I underscore the importance of reclaiming control over our attention to foster better writing and publishing outcomes.   Join me on this journey to explore how we can navigate the digita