Vestiges Of Christianity

Solving the Epicurean Paradox with Bishop Bryan Ouellette



Dive into a profound philosophical discourse on Vestiges After Dark, as Bishop Bryan Ouellette tackles the age-old Epicurean Paradox. This episode invites listeners to grapple with the question of evil's existence in a world governed by a deity posited to be all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good. The paradox challenges the coexistence of a benevolent God with the presence of evil, presenting a series of logical dilemmas that have puzzled theologians and philosophers for centuries. Bishop Ouellette will dissect each aspect of the paradox, offering a modern theological perspective that considers free will, the role of evil, and the nature of divine omnipotence. Join us for a session of enlightening debate that seeks to bridge ancient philosophical inquiry with contemporary spiritual understanding.To call into the show with your questions, comments, or stories, dial: (718) 362-6380 then enter PIN: 855-4111. International callers may call free 'Skype to Skype' by dialing: eyeoftheseer They will also be takin