



Similarly, many artistic masterpieces of the world were produced in solitude.同样,许多艺术上的杰作也是在孤独中诞生的。Being alone doesn’t have to be lonely – these are two different things. One may feel lonely in 'boisterous social contexts, or be fulfilled in isolated serenity.独处并不等于孤独;这是两个性质不同的概念。一个人可以在看似热闹的社交中很孤独,也可以在平静的独处中很丰富——从各个方面丰富、充实自己。Thus, being able to enrich oneself calmly and live in “solitary richness” is a noble state one can only dream of.“孤独的丰富”是一种理想的高尚境界。In today’s overcrowded world (both in China and in the West), “Virtue does not remain isolated” (Confucius), “He is never alone who is accompanied by noble thoughts” (English proverb) – personal charisma ultimately radiates out to attract others, and interactions between two abundant minds usually breed something more meaningful.其实,无论是在中国还是西方,“德不孤,必有邻”(孔子语),“善思者虽独不孤”(英文谚语),他们自有内在的人格魅力。而且,在两个丰富、充实灵魂之间的交流,才会是更有质量的交往。In this way, anyone wishing to enjoy in-depth reading, insightful thinking and a meaningful sense of feeling has to nurture and exercise an abil