Real Talk With Rachael Podcast

184: Tired of Being Tired with Jess Connolly



This week on Real Talk with Rachael in talking with Jess Connolly. Jess is the author or co-author of several books, including Wild and Free, You Are the Girl for the Job, and Breaking Free from Body Shame. Along with her husband, Nick, she planted Bright City Church in Charleston, South Carolina, where they live with their four children. Jess is a woman who wants to leave her generation more in awe of God than she found it. She is passionate about family, God's Word, and seeing women take their place in the kingdom. Key Points from Our Conversation: We live in a defeated acceptance of exhaustion. Living right now is too much. Life is tiring and we’re accepting defeat because we think this is just how things are. Women often feel they need permission to rest, but we don't need permission. God invites us to rest - He even commands it. He wants rest for us. There will always be more to do. Ask yourself if you need to see accomplishment more than you need to feel at home in your body and soul. Do we need accept