Scott Thompson Show

Got Your Glasses For The Eclipse? How To Find Out If They’re Legit.



The Hamilton Today Podcast with Scott Thompson: Writing in the Globe and Mail, Mike Moffatt says that Ottawa’s proposed Canadian Renters’ Bill of Rights “may not be as transformative for renter protection as some of its other initiatives, but it’s a helpful, if secondary, measure.” How do you spot the dangerous, fake eclipse glasses? What makes the safe, legitimate eclipse glasses actually safe? And what are our alternative options for viewing the eclipse? Kawartha Dairy unveiled its newest location on Monday, 3465 Fairview Street, just west of Walkers Line in Burlington, Ontario. The next nearest location is over an hour away in New Market. Will the weather in our region allow for an easy viewing of the eclipse? We have talked about how to protect your eyes during the eclipse, but what about those of you who want to document the event, what protections are needed? We take a look at this week’s developments in the Foreign Interference Inquiry. It is all coming up on the Hamilton Today Podcast! Guests: Mike Mo