Southside Community Church - Milton

Church...The Southside Way - the Hexagon



Speaker: Ian Campbell As we enter 2018 we do so with great excitement looking forward to a move to Main Street. In a different setting with different surroundings, different facilities and many different opportunities some of us will feel tremendously empowered and some will feel quite daunted! For all of us there needs to be a grounding in our understanding of who we are as a church and a movement. So we will spend the last teaching series here on Derry to be reminded of our calling as a church as we review and embed our vision, mission and discipleship values. Each aspect of the Lord's Prayer is full of meaning and direction for us as we learn to pray from Jesus' model for us. But sometimes the most challenging part to pray is "forgive us our sins as we have forgiven those who sin against us." Forgiveness is a huge challenge in our lives and world. What is the Biblical teaching on this important topic?