Kingdom Roots With Scot Mcknight

Paul and His Missionary Friends (Part 2)- KR 22



When God calls His people into mission He doesn’t call individuals, rather He calls a community. Paul exemplifies this reality with his missionary friends. These friends are indispensable to how God used Paul to bring the kingdom to take root in the 1st Century world. Some of Paul’s closest missionary friends included Priscilla and Aquila who provide a beautiful example of an entire household doing ministry together. Epaphras is another great example of how Paul befriended a nonbeliever, led them into a relationship with Jesus, and sent them out to do ministry. Have a question for Scot? In a few weeks, Scot will be fielding your questions from any of the topics discussed on Kingdom Roots. If you would like to send in your question(s) please email them to Chaz Robbins at