Slick Talk With Wil

We're Bringing Back Workflows & Espressos | Meaghan Moylan



In this episode of Slick Talk: The Hospitality Podcast, Wil Slickers welcomes Meaghan Moylan to discuss the journey and future of her podcast, Workflows & Espressos under the Hospitality.FM Podcast Network. They engage in a jovial conversation about the podcast's creation, its unique approach to not featuring interviews, and the intimate connection it fosters with its listeners through candid and unscripted content. The discussion reveals plans to relaunch Workflows and Espressos with a weekly release schedule, inviting feedback and suggestions from listeners for future episodes. The episode also touches on personal anecdotes, the impact of podcasting, and the creative process behind producing engaging content for the hospitality industry. ——– Thank you for tuning into our podcast! Slick Talk is a Hospitality.FM production, and you can find more of our shows at Hospitality.FM or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts! Listen to more episodes on our website and take a look at our amazing podcast and net