Next On The Tee With Chris Mascaro, Golf Podcast

Season 11, Episode 22 Part 2: Talking Masters Past & Present with Mark Calcavecchia & Rob Strano



In Part 2 of this week's show, we continue The Masters conversation with a guy who played in the tournament 18 times and was currently over in Augusta, Mark Calcavecchia. Following Mark, I'm joined by Rob Strano. Rob grew up playing at the same country club as 1968 Masters Champion Bob Goalby. Mark starts off explaining why he's nicknamed the bunker on 10 Brenda's Bunker, after his wife. We learn that the tradition of skipping shots across the pond on 16 during the practice rounds was started by Mark and his college teammate Ken Green. Mark and Ken used to bet about who could make all kinds of shots. When they got to 16 during a practice round in 1987, they threw a few balls down and tried to see who could get it closer. The next morning there was a letter waiting for Green in his locker from Augusta National Chairman Hord Harden saying "We don't do that at Augusta National." Of course, now it's a tradition during the practice rounds. If players don't skip one across the pond, the patrons boo them. Mark and