Waterstone Community Church Podcast

The Face of God in Revelation (Audio)



As believers we remain people of hope by proclaiming the promise of a new heaven and new earth, where God's presence dwells intimately among his people. We celebrate that in heaven there will be no more sorrow, tears, and death, and ultimately creation will be restored to its intended perfection. The New Jerusalem is presented as a beacon of hope, a city of eternal joy and communion with God, inviting us to anticipate a future free from the struggles of the present world. References: “In your life, there is bound to come some trouble that there will be no words for.” Rich Mullins The Rise of Christianity by Rodney Stark "it was this hope that fueled the early church that made them unstoppable." Dominion by Tom Holland "Hell is other people.” Paul Sartre, French philosopher “Well enough about me. How about you? What do you think of me?” Bette Midler in the movie Beaches “How much larger our lives would be if our selves could become smaller in it.” G.K. Cheste