Keto Naturopath

Men and Low testosterone...What you can do about it and why Testosterone Replacement Therapy won’t be effective unless you focus on these things first.



ow testosterone isn’t something that just happens to men...Of course getting older is a reason for everything to decline...But guess what??? It really doesn’t have to be. This is especially true about testosterone for Men.First off...Lets understand how this happened. The number one killer for men’s testosterone level is completely in your control to do something about it, and that’s Insulin. Learn to keep your insulin level down by dropping your carbs. Low carb, high fat ketogenic diet will bring you testosterone back to life. Then there’s your stress levels, which is your cortisol level, which drives your insulin levels...and a few more factors that you can easily take care to change. Listen in and change your life by changing your testosterone level.It’s just an old 'wive’s tale’ so you thought. The fact that if you have a bacterial infection fasting (being in ketosis) might just save your life. On the other hand, if you have a viral (flu) infection you might want to have a good meal. Learn How auto-p