Feast Of Fun : Gay Talk Show

Bodybuilding After 50 - Chris Lavoie



Whether you’re a spring chicken or a crowing rooster, the sun rises and eventually sets on your body’s ability to build muscle. But just because you’re headed into your golden years doesn't mean you can’t develop a jacked up muscular body that would make Zeus jealous!Let’s Grow Big Together, the podcast that makes you walk funny, but that’s because yesterday was leg day.In this series, we’re taking a look at the passion for muscle- how to build it, how to keep it, muscle gods and muscle worship, and how LGBT folks are connected to bodybuilding.Today bodybuilder and progressive talk radio star Chris Lavoie, best known as the Co-Host on the Stephanie Miller Show, joins us to talk about how he got huge and freaky in order to win 3rd place in the Masters 40+ Division of The NPC San Francisco Championships in 2016.CHRIS LAVOIE: https://twitter.com/RadioGuyChrisRECOMMENDED SUPPLEMENT:Methylene Blue: https://amzn.to/3963TRc➤ What considerations do folks over the age of 50 need to know about building muscle?➤ A look