Feast Of Fun : Gay Talk Show

FOF #2987 - Tom Goss is Living His Best Life



The early days of the internet gave LGBTQ folks the unprecendted ability to take matters into their own hands, by creating blogs, podcasts, videos and music that spoke directly to audiences about their unique experience. We were no longer held back by narrow minded gatekeeper’s that kept the queer experience hidden from the world.Now it seems like everyone is a little bit gay and pop music is very queer.As we lead up to the milestone of our 3000th show, some of our favorite guests, who have been there for the long haul, like musician Tom Goss, are back to tell you just how awesome Feast of Fun is, and yes, they are correct.Tom was a college wrestler who went ot the seminary in hopes of becoming a Catholic priest but then he came out, became a singer songwriter and eventually grew to be the loveable queer music icon he is today.Today musician Tom Goss joins us to to look back on being a queer music pioneer, why he’s now creating music for the thrill of it, and how you just need 1000 dedicated fans to make it i