Feast Of Fun : Gay Talk Show

FOF #2981 - Martha Chaves' Lesbian Disneyland



Comedian Martha Chaves once thought she’d become a nun so she could be around women and not have to deal with a family that expected her to like men.But when she became a refugee in Canada, after her native Nicaragua had a revolution, she was able to live her full lesbian fantasy in the nightclubs of Montreal.Ooh la la labia!Today comedian Martha Chaves joins us to take a look at all the things Latinx people share in common, wild queer parties in Nicaragua and how to fool your parents into thinking your straight.MARTHA CHAVES: https://www.instagram.com/comedianmarthachavesPlus,➤ Why hasn’t Vosotros caught on as a gender neutral pronoun the way they/them has in English?➤ Is Despacito a secret gay love song