David Hathaway

The Power of the Resurrection / Acts Bible Study (Part 12) / Chapter 4



Looking at that first revival in Acts 4 we see some tremendous things. It’s amazing what I read in verse 13: When the religious council in Jerusalem saw the boldness of Peter and John, they took note that they were unlearned and ignorant men, and marvelled at them, because they could see that what marked out Peter and John as different from anyone else – was that they had been with Jesus! One of the purposes for which Jesus sent the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was very simply this: He said to His disciples, “Look, I’m going to go, I won’t remain with you, I won’t be here to deal with all the issues that you will have…” Remember how He’d had to rebuke His disciples and say, “How long shall I put up with you, how long will I be with you”?! He said this because He knew that His ministry with them was only for a short time… But He also said, “If I go, I will send the Comforter” – that’s the Holy Spirit, who was to be with them, to replace the very Person of Jesus Christ after He had been carried up into Heaven. So w