Slick Talk With Wil

Growth, Balance, & Planning for an Exit in Short-Term Rentals | Fouad Bazzi



This podcast episode delves into the world of entrepreneurship, focusing on the realm of short-term rentals and property management. Fouad Bazzi shares his journey from a corporate career to entrepreneurship, touching on the challenges and strategies of growing a business with an intention to sell, tackling work-life balance, and the importance of building relationships. His story, from starting a coffee shop to shifting into real estate investment due to the impacts of COVID-19, highlights resilience and adaptability. The conversation also covers the concept of using other people's money for business scaling, the value of being involved in masterminds for personal and professional growth, and the nuances of preparing a business for potential sale while retaining real estate assets. Practical advice on business planning and management strategies, including the use of the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), is discussed alongside personal reflections on family life, setting boundaries, and the ethos of giv