Cabral Concept: Wellness | Weight Loss | Anti Aging I Detox L Functional Medicine

3004: Skincare Favorites, Titanium Concerns, Low PH Level, Bad Breath Help, Cornstarch Products (HouseCall)



Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows! This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track! Check out today's questions:    Jenny: Hi Dr. Cabral - Thank you and your wonderful team for all that you do to help our community. It truly is amazing and I never miss a podcast. To celebrate your 2000th episode, your wife joined you and shared some of her favorite skin care products and it was so great to get her perspective in addition to yours. Any chance she can make a reappearance and give us an update since, like you, she may have new favorites and other recommendations of what has worked best for her? Thank you!   Anonymous: Hi Dr Cabral - I recently had foot surgery that resulted in a small metal (titanium) plate that is now permanent. Are there any risks or precautions I should be aware of or protocols that you would recommend? Thank you for all that you do!   Rocco: Hi Dr Cabral, love your work and especially your chocolate DNS