Moments With Marianne

The Word with Tamiko Powell



Can faith restore a broken spirit? Tune in for an inspiring discussion with Independent Presidency Candidate Tamiko Powell on her book The Word: There Is No Other Way. Moments with Marianne airs in the Southern California area on KMET1490AM & 98.1 FM ABC Talk News Radio affiliate! Tamiko Powell is a California native, author, and advocate for morality and ethics, presents herself as an Independent Candidate for the presidency of the United States. Her journey from childhood to adulthood has shaped her belief in the importance of speaking, thinking, and reasoning as adults. Tamiko envisions a united America that prioritizes the well-being of its citizens and strengthens the nation's moral fabric. She calls for open-mindedness and change, emphasizing that her candidacy offers a path to a better future. Tamiko stands ready to lead the nation toward a brighter tomorrow, urging voters to embrace her vision for a more cohesive and ethical America. For