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5 Simple Steps To Build A High Value Social Circle & Avoid Value Vampires | Toolbox



In today’s episode, we cover the science behind the hidden power of relationships with AJ and Johnny.  The people in your life can you lead you to success or failure, joy or frustration—so how do you know what influence people and their friends are having on your life, how can you be a high value person to attract high value friendships and relationships, and what steps can you take to upgrade your social circle? What to Listen For Introduction – 0:00 What influence do the people around you have on your happiness and ability to achieve your goals? How do you handle relationships that have a negative influence on your life? High Value vs Low Value Behavior – 10:55 What does it mean to be high value and why should you avoid low value behaviors if you don’t want to lose great friendships and relationships? What are the benefits of being high value as much as possible? Inescapable Influence of Friends and Family – 23:01  How can your life be influenced by the friends of friends you don’t even know and wha