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Toolbox | Small Talk Hacks to Boost Your Sales, Grow Your Network and Never Feel Awkward Again



In today’s episode, we cover small talk with AJ, Johnny, and Michael. Getting on the question train is one of the most common mistakes people make in conversations without realizing it, but what is it, why does it kill conversations, and how do you avoid getting on it? What to Listen For The pitfalls that lead to one-sided conversations - 0:00 What is the conversation formula you can use to create engaging conversations in any situation? What is the conversation train and why do you want to avoid it when you’re talking to someone? Why are people more likely to disclose personal information to strangers than to close friends? The conversation formula - 13:20 What is the best way to start a conversation with someone you don’t know? What kind of questions should you avoid when making small talk? What is the most important part of a conversation after asking the initial question and why do we often trip up over it? What is the question train and how do you avoid i