

Kira Asatryan (@KiraAsatryan) discusses the epidemic of loneliness felt by modern Americans -- millennials in particular -- and how it can be countered by closeness, the foundation of all happy and long-lasting relationships. She is the author of Stop Being Lonely: Three Simple Steps to Developing Close Friendships and Deep Relationships.The Cheat Sheet:One in five Americans suffers from chronic loneliness (and among millennials, the percentage is even higher). Time Magazine slates it as the next big public health crisis.Because loneliness isn't as readily identifiable as depression, many -- especially men -- choose to suffer it in silence.Cultivating close relationships with others counters this loneliness, and it's a skill that can be learned rather than an inherent quality that only the lucky few possess.What is loneliness? What is closeness?How does social media -- in spite of keeping us in touch with possibly hundreds or thousands of people -- exacerbate loneliness for many?And so much more...Show notes