Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-4-30



news birthdays/events why do we pick certain types of music to listen to? word of the day news game: everybody knows that movie quote 4 day work week or a 5 days with a raise? ever just want to scream? news game: mind the gap part 1 game: mind the gap part 2 what net worth would make you feel secure? news do you feel like a superhero when you wear a superhero shirt? what's your favorite social activity goodbye/fun facts....national raisin day...When it comes to raisins, tiny sundried grapes, there are generally two groups of people: those that love them and those that believe they ruin a perfectly good cookie. Raisins show up throughout history and literature as a healthy, transportable snack for everyone from the Egyptians to Christopher Columbus to those little red raisin boxes are a classic symbol of childhood. you can actually make your own..just place the some grapes on a rack and leave them out in the sun for a few days. nature's jellybeans, as they are sometimes called, boast cancer-fighting antioxidan