Meaningful Mondays

The Worst Place to Fish



Welcome to a brand new episode of Meaningful Monday with Lee Brower. This week, we're delving into our ability to adapt, improve, and most importantly, change. Join Lee as he narrates the exceptional story of 'Big Al,' a man who spent his latter days futilely fishing in a swimming pool. This anecdote serves as a metaphor and a poignant reminder - are we fishing in our swimming pools? Are we investing time and energy in habits, activities, and goals that are no longer meaningful or feasible? In this episode, Lee underlines the idea that the 'producer of old age is habit.' While good practices indeed strengthen us, mindless repetition of routines, born from carelessness and finally settling into cowardice or inertia, can dangerously narrow our world. The empowering question posed is - Am I fishing in a swimming pool? What habits or routines can you eliminate or refine to break free from the mundanity of everyday life? Join Lee in exploring how stepping out of our comfort zones fosters growth, vitality, and imp