Scott Radley Show

Why are kids having a hard time learning math? Does our bail system need a revamp? Mental health & small business ownership featured in 'Thrive' & 'Hidden Secrets of the Canvas', a documentary on finding the locations Group of Seven painted



Our kids are having a hard time learning math, why? Is it the way the subject is taught? Guest: Monika Ferenczy, Educational Consultant, Horizon Education Consulting - Do we need to revamp Canada's bail system or is our view of it skewed? Guest: Jeff Manishen, Criminal Lawyer, Ross & McBride; Former Crown Attorney - Hamilton is home to an amazing hot sauce company called Dawson's Hot Sauce and it's owner, Brodie Dawson, is taking part in 'Thrive', a speaker series focusing on mental health and its relation with small business ownership where one is not just surviving but thriving. Guest: Brodie Dawson, Owner & Founder, Dawson's Hot Sauce - Hidden Secrets Of The Canvas is a documentary on a Hamilton couple puts a spotlight on their unique hobby of finding the locations that inspired paintings by the Group Of Seven. Guest: Emma Waddington, Narrator of Hidden Secrets Of The Canvas & Granddaughter of Jim & Sue Waddington