Learning Chinese Through Stories




What is your ideal home? Modern appliance ?  Fully Furnished ? Or just a cozy place to relax after a stress-filled day ? Recorded 20+ years ago, this song is still popular today. 单词、拼音、词性、解释 需要;xū yào;verb;to need 华丽;huá lì;adj;gorgeous 疲倦;pí juàn;adj;exhausted 受;shòu;verb;to receive 惊吓;jīng xià;adj;to frighten 害怕;hài pà;noun;to be afraid 流着;liú zhe; verb phrase; flowing 眼泪;yǎn lèi;noun;tears; crying 只能;zhǐ néng;conj;can only 轻轻;qīng qīng;adj; gently 擦;cā;verb;to wipe 羡慕;xiàn mù;verb; be jealous of... 受伤;shòu shāng;Verb; get injured/harmed 孤单;gū dān;adj;lone 寻找;xún zhǎo;Verb;to search 虽然;suī rán;conj;although 曾;céng;adj;once 温暖;wēn nuǎn;adj;warm 但是;dàn shì;conj;but 渐渐;jiàn jiàn;Verb;gradually 只要;zhǐ yào;conj;so long as 充满;chōng mǎn;Verb;full of 就;jiù;conj; right away 关怀;guān huái;Verb;to show care for 无法;wú fǎ;conj;unable 埋怨;mán yuàn;Verb; to blame 一切;yī qiè;conj;everything 靠;kào;Verb; rely on 什么也不+ Verb; shén me yě bù…; does not +verb+ anything 缺;quē;adj; lack 为何;wèi hé;why 露出;lòu chū;Verb; to show 笑脸;xiào l