Learning Chinese Through Stories

1.2.21 诗歌《四季》



This is a short poem about four season. In the poem, each season is represented by a plant, animal or a symbol. Those plants, animals and symbols will introduce what season it is. 四季 sìjì Noun phrase, four seasons 草 cǎo Noun, grass 芽 yá Noun, bud 尖 jiān Adj, pointed; sharp at the tip 小鸟 xiǎo niǎo Noun, little bird(s) 春天 chūntiān Noun, spring 荷叶 hé yè Noun, lotus leaf 圆 yuán Adj, round 青蛙 qīngwā Noun, frog 夏天 xiàtiān Noun, summer 谷穗 gǔ suì • Noun, beard of a cereal spike 弯 wān Adj, curved; bent Verb, to bend 鞠躬 jūgōng Verb, to bow 秋天 qiūtiān Noun, autumn 雪人 xuěrén Noun, snowman 肚子 dùzi Noun, belly 挺 tǐng Verb, to protrude 顽皮 wánpí Adj, naughty 冬天 dōngtiān Noun, winter 诗歌《四季》 草芽尖尖,他对小鸟说:“我是春天。”   荷叶圆圆,他对青蛙说:“我是夏天。”   谷穗弯弯,他鞠着躬说:“我是秋天。”   雪人大肚子一挺,他顽皮地说:“我就是冬天。”