Learning Chinese Through Stories

1.2.20 笑话《妈妈和儿子》



It is time to go to bed and mom asked her son to go to check the light in the kitchen. The son came back to mom, bringing back a hilarious response. 妈妈:“儿子,你到厨房里去看一下,看看电灯有没有关?”儿子去了一下回来说:“妈妈,那里黑咕隆咚的,什么也看不见。我怎么知道?” 儿子 érzi Noun, son 厨房 chúfáng Noun, kitchen 电灯 diàndēng Noun, lighting bulb 关 guān Verb, to turn off; to switch off; to close 黑咕隆咚 hēigūlōngdōng Adj, extremely dark