Learning Chinese Through Stories

1.3.12B 故事解读《胖乎乎的小手》



胖乎乎 pànghūhū Adj, chubby 全家 quánjiā Noun phrase, whole family 兰兰 lánlan Chinese nickname for girls. 兰 is a kind of a flower 下班 xiàbān Verb phrase, to get off work 拿 ná Verb, to take/pick something with hands 又 yòu Adv, again; one more time 贴 tiē Verb, to post 墙 qiáng Noun, wall 明白 míngbai Verb, to understand 只是 zhǐshì Adv, only 自己 zìjǐ Pronoun, oneself 那么 nàme Adv, very (+adjective) 替 tì Verb, to do something for someone 过 guò Particle, verb+过,means someone has had the experience of doing something 拖鞋 tuōxié Noun, slippers 洗 xǐ Verb, to wash 手绢 shǒujuàn Noun, handkerchief 姥姥 lǎolao Noun, grandma on mom’s side 厨房 chúfáng Noun, kitchen 一眼就…… yīyǎn jiù…… did something at the first sight 红润润 hóngrùn rùn Adv phrase, rosy and healthy 帮 bāng Verb, to help 挠 náo Verb, to scratch 痒痒 yǎngyang Noun, itch 长大 zhǎng dà Verb, (kid, small animal) to grow up 变成 biàn chéng Verb, to become 事情 shìqíng Noun, thing(s) New words and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used