Learning Chinese Through Stories




深圳 Shēnzhèn Place name, a metropolitan city in Guangdong 市 shì Noun, city as an administrative division \ 北京市,上海市,纽约市…… 区 qū Noun, district as an administrative division 深圳市宝安区,北京市朝阳区 镇 zhèn Noun, town as an administrative division 镇子,小镇,镇上 村 cūn Noun, village as an administrative division 村子,村民 工厂 gōngchǎng Noun, factory 也可以说“厂子”。在工厂工作的人是“工人”。 星罗棋布 xīngluóqíbù Verb, 成语,spread out like stars and chess pieces 随之而来 suí zhī ér lái Verb phrase, 成语,……comes along with it ……随之而来。 随之而来的是……。 大量 dàliàng Adjective, a large amount of… 外来 wàilái Adjective, foreign; subjects that are not from here 外来人口,外来物种 廉价 liánjià Adj, cheap 劳动力 láodònglì Noun, labor 其中之一 qízhōng zhīyī Noun phrase, one of them 他是其中之一。 南下 nánxià Verb phrase, travel to the south part 北上:travel to the north part 进入 jìnrù Verb phrase, get into; enter into 生产 shēngchǎn Verb, to produce 耳机 ěrjī Noun, ear phone 租 zū Verb, to rent 房租,租金:house rent 旧 jiù Adj, old, not new 老:old, not young 平房 píngfáng Noun, flat(s) 楼房:building 落脚 luòjiǎo Verb, to live in tempor